Header Image for blog post titled 7 Simple Business Workflow Emails You Need Now For More Happy Clients that relates to the 125th episode of the Social Media for Mompreneurs Podcast featuring guest Stacey Hooker.


Did you know there are 7 key essential business workflow emails that will help you have more happy clients? How about that a customer relationship management system (CRM) can automate most of your onboarding process for you? Have you even heard of a CRM before?

To be honest, before this recording, I was basically winging it. I never considered investing in a CRM, until now.

My friend and client Stacey Hooker is going to walk you through the seven essential workflow emails you need in your business. Stacey is the founder of Sweetly Simplified Systems. As a HoneyBook pro and the queen bee, she helps solopreneurs simplify and streamline their business processes with HoneyBook, the leading CRM for small business owners. With VIP days and intensives, she helps solopreneurs level up and get back their time so they can enjoy being the CEO again.

This episode is definitely for you if:

  • You’re looking to make onboarding and emailing new clients easier and smoother
  • You’re ready to save time on the things that are repetitive in your client processes
  • You’re booking clients on a regular basis through your discovery process
  • You want to have these 7 simple emails templated out (hint: You don’t HAVE to have a CRM, you can still send them manually)



What You’ll Learn About The 7 Essential Business Workflow Emails

  • What a CRM does
  • What the 7 emails you should have in your client workflows are and what they should cover
  • Does a CRM replace your email marketing platform (like ConvertKit, Active Campain, or MailChimp)

Connect with Stacey at http://www.sweetlysimplifiedsystems.com or on Instagram @sweetlysimplifiedsystems and go get that 50% off of HoneyBook here: https://www.sweetlysimplifiedsystems.com/why-honeybook. Get her free guide to the 7 business emails for more happy clients. (All of these links are also included in the downloadable transcript below!)

Now grab your favorite beverage and let’s dive into this episode!


Full Transcript Below!

Before you go, I’d love to connect with you and give you some gifts to help you grow your online presence!

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Free Caption Templates: https://ascholes.wpengine.com/free-captions/

Personal Branding Workbook: https://ascholes.wpengine.com/rock-your-personal-brand/


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Email: [email protected]

“Stay sassy, sparkle and wear sweatpants!”

PS. Be sure to join my free online community for mompreneurs! Join here.




Enjoy These Hand-Picked Episodes For More Clients To Send Those 7 Simple Business Workflow Emails To


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