podcast graphic with Allison Scholes and Kay Miller on The Boss Lady in Sweatpants Show, with a pink button: listen now

How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes to Make More Sales

Ready to make more sales and make it easier? It’s time to think like Sherlock Holmes. Meet Kay Miller, aka the Muffler Mama, who is a coach, speaker, and the author of Uncopyable Sales Secrets. She’s here to help you become uncopiable.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Some of the secrets within her book
  • How to think like Sherlock Holmes
  • The biggest mistake salespeople make
  • How to make more sales

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faded photo of Kay Miller on The Boss Lady in Sweatpants show on how to think like Sherlock Holmes to make more sales.


A quick excerpt from the interview:

What is the meaning behind, “think like Sherlock Holmes” to get more sales?

According to Kay, she believes salespeople make one big mistake and that is, salespeople talk too much!

We’ve all done it and experienced it. But in sales, it’s important to not only listen, but be tuned in and watch for clues.

Watch for body language, look around at the background on zoom calls. Focus on understanding and learning more from the potential customer.

Sherlock Holmes begins with listening, and he pay attention to all the signals from the other person. He uses these signals or clues to learn more about the person and tries to figure out how to help this customer.

Listen to the full interview here to hear more about her book, Uncopyable Sales Secrets, and how to make more sales by finding your uniqueness.


Before you go, does your Personal Brand need a little work or some tweaking? Grab my free workbook, 5 steps to Rock your Personal Brand.



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