No longer are the days of spending countless hours on Instagram. These 3 hacks will help you streamline your time on Instagram and keep you confident and consistent on the platform. We're diving into posting, commenting and ENGAGEMENT utilizing the newsfeed and Instagram Stories. I'm also sharing how to use hashtag hubs effectively. I'm also giving you my #1 Instagram Rule that saves me time and energy so I can get back to the things that matter most in my business and life!



How To Simplify Daily Instagram Activity with These 3 Easy Hacks

No longer are the days of spending countless hours on Instagram. These 3 hacks will help you streamline your time on Instagram and keep you confident and consistent on the platform.
We’re diving into posting, commenting and ENGAGEMENT utilizing the newsfeed and Instagram Stories. I’m also sharing how to use hashtag hubs effectively. I’m also giving you my #1 Instagram Rule that saves me time and energy so I can get back to the things that matter most in my business and life!

No longer are the days of spending countless hours on Instagram. These 3 hacks will help you streamline your time on Instagram and keep you confident and consistent on the platform. We're diving into posting, commenting and ENGAGEMENT utilizing the newsfeed and Instagram Stories. I'm also sharing how to use hashtag hubs effectively. I'm also giving you my #1 Instagram Rule that saves me time and energy so I can get back to the things that matter most in my business and life!



Full transcription available at the bottom of this blog post

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How to simplify daily Instagram activity with these three easy hacks. I know Instagram can seem overwhelming at times. A lot of people think that they need to be on the platform each and every day for a certain amount of time, a long time to build community, build relationships, and ultimately build their brand and business and get leads and profits in the long-term. I’m here to tell you today that you do not need to be on Instagram, spinning your wheels each and every day. For a long period of time, I am going to share with you three simple hacks to streamline your Instagram process, get you on the platform, then get you off the platform. So you can be spending your time doing what you really need to be doing in your life. And in your business, you can be successful on Instagram without being on the platform all day long.

Here is hack number one on a daily basis for Instagram. What you need to do is post respond and engage. And what I mean by that is on a daily basis. You want to be posting in your stories and your newsfeed for consistency. I’ve said this before, but let’s go back to the know like, and trust factor. Your newsfeed is where people get to know you and your stories is where people get to like you. So those two items, those two spaces on Instagram are crucial to build brand awareness and start building relationships and community. You want to be posting in your newsfeed. I would say a minimum four to five days a week, and you really should be in your Instagram stories daily. Now, if you really want to level up your game, okay? So not only should you be posting in your own newsfeed and stories, you need to spend time commenting on other posts in the newsfeed, and you also need to be in other stories and what you want to do.

And here’s a, here’s a great tip to be building authentic relationships with other people is when you are watching Instagram stories from other accounts, other users, other people, if you find a story that really resonated with you, you learned something, it made you laugh, or it inspired you leave a comment. Cause here’s what happens when you comment on someone’s story, it creates a one-on-one DM. And guess what DMS is where the trust happens and DMS is where you get a chance to go deeper with your people. So create those one on one conversations, simply simply through commenting on Instagram stories. So that is hack. Number one, get consistent with posting in your newsfeed, posting in your stories, and then engaging with other posts in stories. And you also want to make sure this is something that drives me crazy. You want to make sure that you respond to every single comment.

I don’t care if it’s an emoji. I know emojis drive you crazy, but I respond then with a thank you and emoji, or thanks for checking out my post, you know, happy to see you here today. Just respond to every single comment that is crucial. All right, here’s hack number two. And I think this is one of the most under utilized strategies on Instagram that people are not doing hashtags. Yes, you’re probably using hashtags in your posts, but are you engaging with hashtags? Are you getting into hashtag hubs to build further relationships? So what you want to do is when you post and you’re using your hashtags each and every day, you want to choose up to three. It does not need to be all 30 hashtags. Cause that’s just crazy who got assigned for that? Choose up to three hashtags, click on the hashtag.

And what it does is it brings you into that hashtag hub. What you will see is a popular column and a recent column. I always click on the recent column and I will scroll through and I will find one or two posts that resonate with me either. I learned something from it. It entertained me or inspired me leave comments because you are now engaging with a brand new audience and it’s a great way to build your audience. Okay? So you want to get in to those hashtags that you’re using and start leaving comments. Now here’s another tip to up level. Those hashtag hubs, all the hashtags. If people are using hashtags in the stories you will see in the hashtags hubs, if there are stories using that hashtag click on it, start watching the stories. If a story resonates with you, leave a comment. Cause guess what?

That creates a one on one conversation with that user, you are building relationships, you are building community, and that is the whole point of Instagram. So you want to be getting into your hashtag hubs on a daily basis. Now, at this point, you might be thinking, Alison, you said you want, you are simplifying Instagram on a daily basis. And I already feel overwhelmed. You want me posting? You want me in stories, you want me responding and commenting, engaging. And now you want me in hashtag hubs. Here is probably my biggest hack of all to simplify Instagram. This is hack number three and I call it the 10, 10, 10 rule. What you were going to do is break up your daily Instagram activity into 10 minute segments. Like I said, you do not need to be on Instagram all day long to build your brand and build community.

So here’s how it might look for you. You want to break up your activity into tag 10 minute segments that fits your schedule. So it might look something like this. You might do 10 minutes of Instagram in the morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon and 10 minutes in the evening. And within those 10 minute segments, you’re posting, responding and engaging in the newsfeed and stories. And then you’re doing some work in the hashtag hubs, another strategy or another way that the 10, 10, 10 rule might look like. And this is how I do it is I spend 10 minutes in the morning in my new state. I post I comment and I’m engaging with other posts. Then what I do is in the afternoon, that is my time to be in stories. I am watching other people’s stories. I am commenting on their stories, which is creating the one-on-one DMS.

And then in the evening, normally after dinner, when the kids are chilling out there, you know, doing their homework and the husband is flipping channels on the TV. That’s when I do hashtag hubs. Cause I’m now relaxed from the day and I can really get in there and really provide valuable comments. So I spend 10 minutes in the evening within my hashtag hubs. I am commenting on posts that resonate with me, and then I’m getting into the hashtag hub stories. So that is what the 10, 10, 10 rule looks like. So those are the three hacks. Number one, you need to be posting, responding and engaging on a daily basis on Instagram. Number two, you need to be in those hashtag hubs on a daily basis. And then to simplify those two hacks, use the 10, 10, 10 rule. So that is how to simplify daily Instagram activity. You do not need to be on the platform all day long, spinning your wheels and falling down rabbit holes, which takes time away from your life and your business. You can certainly be successful on Instagram without spending a load of time on the platform.

Hey there, sister, are you trying to mimic what others are doing on Instagram? Because they appear to be successful and have all the right engagement. Have you tried to transform your Instagram newsfeed to look perfectly branded, but you still feel icky about your brand and how you show up on Instagram. I want you to imagine if you had a done for you Instagram plan, that’s aligned with your authentic self right now you have the opportunity to work with me. One-on-one and we’ll take your brand from feeling to memorable. I’ll help you clarify your Instagram objectives. We’ll fine. Tune your bio, define your three brand pillars for Instagram, and then map out a 30 day content strategy. I’ll even give you stock photos and caption templates to compliment your brand. Wouldn’t it feel amazing to wake up every day, knowing exactly what to post and how to engage with your audience, no more spinning your wheels and wasting countless hours on your computer or phone with an Instagram strategy.

You can get back to the things that really matter in your business. In life posting on Instagram, doesn’t need to feel impossible or overwhelming or even time draining. The best part about my method is it can be rinsed and repeated every single month. Amen. I remember my very first client Farrah and her sigh of relief. At the end of our call, she had such a clarity breakthrough on her own brand and how she wanted to show up for her audience on Instagram. Her exact words were I’m so glad I don’t have to do what everyone else is doing now. That’s just awesome. And guess what? You shouldn’t be doing what everyone else is doing. And I’m here to help you figure out exactly what you should be doing and how to show up as your authentic self. This is a no brainer book. Your strategy call today at Bitly B I T dot L Y forward slash I G method mama. Hurry, because I only take eight sessions a month. Why? Because you are worth my time and energy. You don’t want another cookie cutter coaching call, right? You want me to strategize with you? So if you want to book one, those spots are extremely limited. It’s Let’s get you consistent and confident on the gram.


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