steps to building a home business

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!

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Steps to building a home business!

This is exciting, but scary at the same time.  I remember when I first thought about my home business. The upfront cost? Who will buy from me? How will I connect with people? What will my friends and family think? I went through all the emotions and it’s totally normal! Today, you will learn the steps to build a home business.

So let’s dive in.

Step 1: Build your business around your passion!

Think about it, you’re not going to start a business about something you don’t care about.  Ask yourself these two questions:

What drives you?

What are you passionate about?

Anyone can get a job, work for someone else and earn a paycheck.  But if you’re looking to build an income around your dreams, buckle up!  Before proceeding, I want you to really think about the two questions.  Think about your normal, everyday life.  What makes you happy? When you’re together with people, what are you excited to talk about?  What would make “getting out of bed on a Monday morning” totally worth it?

If you build your business around your passion your success rate will be much higher.

Download my Brainstorming Worksheet now!

Step 1 Worksheet

Step 2: Generate Home Business Ideas

home business ideas

At this point you might have a sense of what you like or what inspires you, but how to start a business around your passion!  Now is the time to make a list of possible home business ideas or opportunities.  Whether you want to start a company from scratch or join an existing MLM/Network Marketing company, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Join a MLM business (Beachbody, doTerra, LuLaRoe, Herbalife, Rodan + Fields, Young Living, Scentsy, etc.)
  • Website design/graphic design
  • Children’s services (art classes, child care, tutoring services)
  • Senior care services (driving service, household chore service, home health-care)
  • Financial advisor/planner
  • Freelance writing
  • Crafts/Jewelry design (Etsy)
  • House cleaning
  • Pet sitting/dog walking
  • Wedding planning
  • Health, wellness coach

The opportunities are endless, you just need to focus on your passion!

Step 3: GOALS for your Business

At this point, you have a business idea. Now it’s time to list your business goals.

What do you want to gain from your business? Ask yourself, “How much are people willing to pay me for this product or service?” Think about your profit goals; “Do I want to make a sufficient income, or just a little money on the side?”

I also think it’s important to write down everything you want to gain from your business. I’m talking about your dreams! Little and big, write them down!!  Do you want to pay off a car payment or mortgage? Will you be vacationing more? How about a new house? Do you want to help other families in need? Do you want to start an organization/fundraiser for something you really care about?

Seriously, write down all your dreams.  Then, choose your 5 highest priority goals. You’re going to focus on those five for now.

Download my free worksheet!

My Goals Worksheet

Step 4: Write a business plan

write a business plan

This step is crucial to the success of your business.  I’ve been guilty in the past of starting an idea without a written business/action plan.  You will lose focus and your business can be at risk of derailing.  Think of it like this; your business/action plan is your road map to the success of your business!

So here are some things you need to research, consider and write down:

Research the industry you’ve chosen:

  • size
  • types of customers
  • trends in the industry
  • what will you sell
  • what makes you unique
  • target market/audience

What’s your marketing plan?

  • will you rely on social media?
  • paid advertising?
  • will you sell on Etsy?
  • pricing strategy
  • how will you distribute your products?
  • transaction process (method of payment, return policy)
  • marketing materials (business cards, brochures)
  • business website

Keep in mind, if you plan to join an existing MLM/Affiliate company, then most of these items are probably already done for you, but still consider them as part of your decision process.

To get you started, download my free Business Action Plan worksheet!

My Business Plan

Print out the worksheet and start planning!!

Step 5: Management Plan

You’re doing great so far.  Now you need to determine WHEN you’ll be working! Write down the answers to these questions:

Who’s the owner? Are you co-owning?

How often will you work? Full-time or part-time?

Set your hours.

Step 6: Financial Plan

This is a very important aspect to your business.  Again, answer and think about the following questions:

What are the start up costs to my business?

Will I need any kind of starting inventory?

How will I track expenses and income?

Step 7: Put Your Business Idea into Action

You’re ready!!! You’ve done the ground work.  Now, put your dream into action!  Share it with the world.  YOU CAN DO THIS! Never give up on your dreams.


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