phone graphic with a photo of Allison Scholes | The Boss Lady in Sweatpants Show - Can You Compete with AI Copy?


How Your Personal Brand is Guaranteed to Beat AI Technology

Quick reminder – The 12-month content guide is on PRESALE for just $14! The all in one workbook, training and idea generator of content.


Have you heard of CopyAI or ChatGPT? These are AI technology programs with the capability to write your social media captions, blog post headlines, emails, and blog posts.

You might care less about them or feel intimidated by them because you’re afraid your content doesn’t stand a chance.

No worries! In this episode, you will discover how to use the new AI technology and why your personal brand is guaranteed to beat it.

First, it’s completely okay to use the programs for content inspiration and generate ideas. Sometimes you just need a spark to get the creative juices flowing.

Secondly, once you have a few ideas from the AI programs, expand on the basic concepts with your personality and tone of voice.


blue graphic with text AI Copy - Should you use AI copy tools for your business?

Your Personal Brand Matters!

Your personal brand is KEY to stand out above AI technology. First, revisit your core beliefs and values. Remember why you started your business and your overall mission.

The key is to infuse your personality in everything you do – how you act, how you speak, and how you write!

Need help honing in on your personal brand? Grab the free Personal Branding Workbook.

Two tips to stand out with your Personal Brand

Pick 3 personality traits that describe you. Write them on a sticky note and have it nearby when you create your content for your business. Infuse these traits into your content.

Maintain your visual consistency EVERYWHERE! Your posts, your website, your emails, and your videos or podcast episodes need to have brand consistency. This is how you’ll become recognizable and memorable.

Remember, there is only ONE you and God put you here on Earth for a purpose. Don’t let technology or AI programs hide your talents or gifts.

Be authentically YOU – take everything you’ve learned, all your experiences, and infuse your personality with it.

AI can’t do that!


Before you go, grab free content ideas to get those creative juices flowing!

Be sure to check out other episodes to help you create better content and grow your business!



The Personal Branding Formula



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