10 Ninja Copy Hacks to Increase Your Conversions

Are you ready to maximize your messaging so you can work smarter, not harder? My guest, Brittany McBean, shares 10 copy hacks to help you speak to your ideal client and get people to take action.

Brittany McBean is a copywriter and marketing strategist who helps online course creators, educators, and coaches stand out with crystal clear messaging and a laser-focused strategy. Write words that get you seen by the right people so you can make a maximum impact and serve the people who need you the most.

In this episode, we chat about why effective messaging matters in an online business, the definition of copy writing, how to speak to our ideal audience, how to use our messaging to get people to take action and 10 ninja hacks to figure out what content to write.

Connect with Brittany at http://www.brittanymcbean.com or on Instagram @brittanylmcbean


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