yellow and gray graphic with family, 3 steps to help your business survive

Ready to enjoy summer with THIS easy business workflow?

Pool parties, outside nature walks, BBQs, vacations and slowing down over the summer is just around the corner. Is your business ready for all that?

In this episode, I share:

  • 3 steps to prioritize your business
  • what to do with your non-negotiable business tasks
  • the benefits of task categories, and
  • how to schedule your week

Grab the Weekly Project Workflow for Business Success!

Prefer Video? Watch below!


blue purple graphic with family photo, 3 steps to help your business survive summer break


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Full Transcript:

3 Steps to Help Your Business Survive Summer Break

Are you ready for summer break? I bet you are. I know I am but let me ask you another question. Is your business ready for summer break? I know for a lot of you, the kids are coming home, you’re planning vacations, you want longer weekends, spend more time outside, and spend more time just enjoying life.

So a lot of us like to slow down over the summer. I know I do, but our business needs to keep going. It needs to keep growing and we need to keep on top of things. So when September rolls around and the kids are going back to school, you’re not like, oh my goodness, I am so behind! So I have three steps to share with you today on how your business can survive your summer break when you want to take a step back and you want to slow down a little bit.

Step 1: take some time and brain dump all the non-negotiable tasks that you must complete every single week. Maybe there’s a new project you wanted to start, but you know it can wait until September, possibly October.

But what are the non-negotiables that you must do to keep your business moving and rolling? Once you brain dump all the tasks now you can look at them.

Step 2: Are there any tasks that you can put together into a category? So maybe you can have a category that is your CEO tasks.

Maybe that’s part of your bookkeeping and maybe your personal development is going to be all in your CEO task. Maybe you’re going to have a social media task. That’s when you sit down and create all your content and your scheduling, social media posts, and maybe doing some videos and doing some reels, then maybe you’re going to have.

An email marketing tasks, all the tasks for your emails, all the tasks for anything that you’re creating, new projects, old projects. Categorize all those tasks and then tip number three, based on how much time you think each category will take, take those categories and assign them a day of the week. This is something that I do, and it works so well to keep me moving forward.

And not staying stuck or not getting to something in my business because I keep spending too much time in something else. So I assign categories to a day. So for example, I might have Monday as my CEO, personal development day. That’s when I do all my trainings of memberships, that I’m a part of, maybe it’s reading it’s doing my bookkeeping.

Maybe it’s journaling doing some research on it, maybe some future projects. And then maybe Tuesday is maybe it’s my email marketing Pinterest day. And that’s when I batch all my emails and I start working on the backend updating like my welcome series. Okay. So each day of the week you can assign a specific category and you’re going to have to train yourself.

If it doesn’t get done on that day, you’re going to have to wait until the following. Because the rest of the week, you’re working on the other tasks that need to be done in your business. This will not only help you sit, stay super focused and what you’re doing in those little chunks or time blocks of the day, but it’s also going to help you keep moving the needle forward.

So you can enjoy your summer. Enjoy the time with the kids, go on vacation, but you’re still working on your business. And you’re only focusing on those nonnegotiable. Task now I do have a freebie for you. It’s my weekly project workflow for business success. If you want it, it’s a downloadable workbook.

It’s even got a cool Google spreadsheet for you to like pop your stuff in.  I use it all the time and I think it would be really beneficial for you, especially if you want to slow down the summer. So go ahead and grab that freebie. I want you to enjoy your summer break and be able to slow down. So I hope these three tips were helpful today.

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